Moving homes is in itself a very stressful task. To make the process hassle-free we, brothers movers, are always at your rescue. Other than us being there, a few things should be kept in mind. When you shift into a new home, unpacking is not the most dreadful task, but getting associated with the new place, learning how it functions, the new locality, etc are a few things that must be dealt with. We advise you to do this as soon as you move in and not delay it. You will already have a lot of things going on and this should be on your to-do list too. Our professional movers have prepared a list of things you should keep in mind while moving in at your new abode.
If you have small children or pet animals, you must have the space ready for them. While settling in, it is important that you child-proof the house. This is highly recommended while moving into a new space because you too are not familiar with your surroundings yet. To prevent a mishap, book for child-proofing a couple of days after moving in. You can do these for the time being. Create a separate space that is a child/pet-free zone for discarding the packaging material. Be highly alert at all times and know where your kids or pets are going. Close all the plug points. Stash all the breakable objects, alcohol, etc somewhere high before putting them in their required spot.
We know that you already must be tired from all the chaos and want to get everything over with. But take it from us, you will save a lot of time if you keep things where you want them to be in the future, especially the furniture. While you probably have a basic idea of what goes where give yourself the time to set things up and how you will want them. You can make a few changes later on, but to start with a basic plan is never a bad idea.
The last thing you would want to do is clean the space after a long and tiring process of moving in. but the right time to clean is after you unpack. Start with the high and move towards the low. The ceiling fans, light fixtures, etc will get as dirty as the floor. So, it is better to clean them before as they are more prone to dirty the place when finally scrubbed down. After cleaning them, start with the rest of the lower places. Keep cleaning the fridge on your priority list. Storing the perishable food is very important. Give the fridge a good scrub. You can do this by mixing equal parts of warm water and vinegar. Take a rag and clean all the nooks and corners of it. If there is stubborn gunk, let the mixture sit for a while. Make sure the shelves and then only return to the fridge.